Friday, June 4, 2010

Caught Up

Cold Feet Socks
I knitted to my goal of 6" on the second sock yesterday. In fact, I got to 6.25"! True to my goal, I now have to knit to 7.75" today. Ugh!

Also at 6", I reached the end of the first skein of yarn, and started the second. This will not leave me enough yarn to knit a whole pair of socks for Cat. With that in mind, I asked her if she would rather have a matching pair like Jeff's (the yarn is discontinued), or a pink pair for the Walk for Breast Cancer in October. Of course she said pink. So now I can look for a pink woolblend sock yarn for that project, and it won't be my mistake. The pink socks will be my mobile project while I am knitting Todd's sweater.

Todd's Sweater
And speaking of which.
The yarn he wanted was on sale yesterday, $1.49 per skein at KnitPicks, so I ordered it. Thirty skeins of Rosemary-colored yarn. The Theme is definitely green this year! Last year, too. RoseE's hat and gloves, the trim on the Celtic Bag (which Aunt Bethe will be opening today!), The Coronet Hat for Linda, and the Cold Feet socks, now Todd's sweater. Oh! Plus! Also in the order were some more of those cute purple things to keep my stitches from falling off the needles (which happens a lot when I throw the sock in my bag and run) and a little machine for shaving off pills from sweaters. I've heard it's very good. Since my order was over $50.00, I got free shipping! Hooray!

It always scares me when I spend that much money on yarn. It scares me again when the yarn arrives and is sitting around my house waiting for me to make it into something. The fair isle mittens, for example. The yarn--and the mittens--are still in the box the yarn came in, waiting, looking accusingly at me for abandoning it.

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